August 18, 2008

Domain-Driven Design Sample Code/Projects

Filed under: Domain-Driven Design — Tags: , — Doug @ 7:23 am

Ben Scheirman has a series of articles on developing an NHibernate application using domain-driven design:

The source code for the book .NET Domain-Driven Design with C#: Problem-Design-Solution is available online at CodePlex.

An article titled Attribute-flavored Domain Driven Design at includes the source code for a naked objects-like implementation of a domain model.  A fairly bare-bones implementation like this might be an interesting place to start building my own GUI.

David Hayden talks a bit about using the Active Record pattern in DDD in his Domain-Driven Design Using Active Record in .NET article.  He also talks about application layering in Domain-Driven Design – Layered Applications, which refers to some sample code for a shopping cart.

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