September 14, 2008

So much to port…so little time.

Filed under: Diary — Tags: — Doug @ 11:13 pm

I haven’t posted in a while, as I’ve been working on porting BioJava over to C#.  It is a big library (to say the least), and I’ve almost (hopefully) got enough code working that I can find restriction enzyme sites on a strand of DNA.  So far, I’ve ported about 150 classes, although a fair number of them still have a handful of NotYetImplemented exceptions lying around.

Within the next week or two, I hope to have some code to post here, along with a link to the initial web page for the project.

August 6, 2008

My new blog

Filed under: Diary — Doug @ 9:45 pm

Welcome to my new blog.

I tend to work on a handful of projects.  When I get tired (or stuck) on one, I go on to the next project.  Eventually, I’ll come full circle and pick up an old project again.

This blog has a couple of purposes.  First, it will let me document bits and pieces of the projects as I go, making it easier to pick them up later.  Writing down the bits and pieces helps think through them, so this blog is a bit of a sounding board.  I’ll often post links to tools/frameworks/code that I’ve found so I can find them later.  I may even post some drivel about games I’m playing, books I’ve read, or whatever strikes my fancy.

Blog at